Testimonials & Success Stories

Success Story

How Kevin healed from Complex Trauma:

Kevin’s flashbacks left him feeling scared, small, and worthless. So he isolated and numbed himself with substances. Even with the substance he couldn’t escape the shame and despair. But he feared that without them he might become suicidal again.

Kevin was scared to start therapy. Scared he was broken and couldn’t get better. Scared I would humiliate or hurt him as others had. We built a foundation of trust and safety by working through his fears as they came up.

Kevin recognized the strengths that helped him survive and how the present was safer than the past.

Kevin gained control over his flashbacks by grounding himself in the present and understanding what he needed in order to feel safer in the present. He slowly reduced his substance use as he grew more confident in his coping skills.

Over time, Kevin came to truly understand that what happened to him wasn’t his fault and didn’t define him. He built a life where he feels safe and loved for who he is.


I’ve seen A LOT of therapists over my life. Micah really listened to me. I felt seen and heard. He was patient, understanding, and helped me when I didn’t think anyone could.

~ Peter

Finding a therapist who understood Complex Trauma and Dissociation was so hard. I felt lost and alone. I was ready to give up. But Micah understood me and knew how to help.

~ Sarah

I was terrified to start therapy. But Micah explained every step before asking me to try something new. So I knew what to expect and felt in control. He helped me say no when I wasn’t comfortable, and he respected it.

~ Steven

I used to think being happy was something only other people got to have. I never thought I could feel as free as I do now. Micah helped me understand myself and build a life I actually want to live.

~ Alice

Success Story

How Kelly healed from Dissociation:

Kelly felt confused about who she was. She had thoughts and feelings that seemed to belong to someone else. She would suddenly find herself in odd places in her home with no memory of how she got there. Her body and the world around her felt unreal. It was terrifying and made her feel crazy.

Kelly noticed conflicting reactions in herself as she learned that these were symptoms of dissociation. Parts of her were relieved she wasn’t crazy. Others were angry and scared that bad things would happen if she pushed further.

By building a relationship with each part, Kelly learned that they were all protecting her in their own way.

Kelly felt more in control of herself and her life as she helped her parts work together. She came to understand that they were all important and different ways of being herself. Kelly worked with all of her parts to agree on new ways to feel safe, heal, and grow.

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